If you grew up watching Blue Crush or Point Break over and over, and you've always wanted to learn how to surf, and have finally decided to give it a try, then you might be super excited to hit the beach. However, before you jump into the waves it is important to make sure you have the right supplies. You don't want to have a bad experience because you didn't bring the right stuff to the beach. It will be difficult enough for you to catch a wave your first few times out on the board, so these supplies will help you have the best shot.

Rashguard Sun Shirt

Depending on what surf movies you watched you may or may not be aware that many surfers wear rashguard shirts. These are used to do two things. First, they protect your skin from the abrasion of the board. When you're laying down on the board, paddling out to get into position you will be face down on the board. If you don't wear a rashguard shirt you are going to get irritated skin. The second thing they do is help block the sun. You will be out on the water for a long time with no coverage from the sun, so it is important.

Mens rashguard shirts are simple enough. Women normally have two design types. The first is more form fitting and can be worn as a top along with bikini bottoms, while other design are designed to be worn over a two piece bikini and are a bit looser.


Wax is applied to your board to give it traction. This helps you grip the board. Some people don't like wearing surf socks, which are slip on neoprene socks that give you extra traction. However, everyone uses surf wax. You should definitely get a container no matter what type of surfboard you decide to get.

The Surfboard

Finally, the big item. While it might be tempting to buy a flashy, sleek board like you see in the magazines and surf photos, these are definitely not a great choice for beginners. They are super small, which is fine for an expert who is adept at controlling the board on the waves, but a beginner should go with a classic longboard. These boards are the original style surfboard used by the big wave surfers from California and Hawaii, and they still are super popular with the surfing community. You won't be doing crazy tricks at first, so a small board is not necessary. Your main objective is to get up on the board, catch a wave, and stay up on the board. There is no better design then the longboard. So, pick one you like, get your wax and shirt, and head to the beach.

For more information, visit a company like Flippin Board Co.
